Where do we go from here?

Monday, February 13, 2012

How To Begin - Getting The Fingers Back On The Keys

Home alone, except for the cats of course, on a blustery cold grey day, with a buggy tummy that kept me up all night. I should probably be trying to sleep, and soon I guess I will.  But the fact that I haven't blogged for over three months, not written anything at all, is beginning to prey upon my soul. I think about writing, I write all kinds of things in my head in the middle of the night - but then when daylight comes, about all I manage to write are a few necessary emails and some this 'n that on Facebook.

I have noticed that some of my dear old friends (Lisa, Robin, Jackie, Kat, Judith) from early blogging days, when we called it journaling, are writing copiously in their blogs - and my resolution is to spend some quality time reading back through their posts, both to get caught up with their lives and thoughts, and to hopefully inspire my own fingers to move on the keys. I follow many blogs, at least nominally, but I don't often really sit down and do consecutive reading of posts. This seems to me like a mistake, and one that I am going to try to rectify. I will begin today, while I feel too crappy to do much of anything else.

P.S. - March 2 - It takes a LONG TIME to read through my friends' blogs.  I haven't gotten very far, got caught up on a couple of people's older posts, and then of course they have to go and write NEW ones.  So I'm behind again on even those blogs.  Plus there are all the others that I haven't even started on yet.  Perhaps more of a Sisyphean task than I knew when I decided to undertake it?


Lisa :-] said...

So honored to be the things you'll do when you're feeling too crappy to do anything else! LOL!

Seriously, it would be wonderful if you started writing again. I am making myself write, as daily as I can manage, at "Coming to Terms..." Even if it's just crap (and most of it is) I need to write every day.

But I despair totally of our poor "Women On." I guess we're just not "On" anymore...

sunflowerkat said...

So sorry to hear that you're under the weather today but will be looking forward to seeing you a bit more frequently here in blog land.